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Army - New Logo
Army Veteran
1 Signal Regiment
1st Armoured Division
1st Commonwealth Division
1st Queen's Dragoon Guards
2nd Regiment Royal Artillery
3rd (United Kingdom) Division
3rd Carabiniers
4th Armoured Brigade
4 Field Squadron Royal Engineers
4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
5 Regiment Army Air Corps
5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards
6th (United Kingdom) Division
6 Field Force
7 Commando RA
7 Para Artillery Wings
7 Para Royal Horse Artillery
7 (Sphinx) Commando Battery Royal Artillery
7th Armoured Division
8 Training Battalion REME
8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars
9th/12th Royal Lancers
9th/12th Royal Lancers A Squadron Berlin
10 Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment
10 Regiment Royal Corps of Transport
10th Royal Hussars
11 EOD Regt Royal Logistic Corps
11th Hussars
11th Infantry Brigade & HQ SE
12th Armoured Infantry Brigade
12 Ordnance Company
12th Royal Lancers
13th/18th Royal Hussars
14 Signal Regiment
15th Scottish Infantry Division
15th/19th Kings Royal Hussars
16 Air Assault Brigade
16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers
C Sqn 16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancers
17 Corunna Battery Royal Artillery
17 Sqd RCT Reunion
17th/21st Queens Royal Lancers
19th Light Brigade
20 Commando Battery Royal Artillery
24th Infantry Brigade
26 Armoured Engineer Squadron
28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment
29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery
29 Field Squadron
32nd Regiment Royal Artillery
32 Regiment Royal Engineers
33 Engineers Bomb Disposal
39th Regiment Royal Artillery
40th Regiment Royal Artillery - The Lowland Gunners
49 Bomb Disposal
49 (Inkerman) Battery Royal Artillery
51 Battery Royal Artillery
51st Highland Division
51 Ordnance Company - Royal Army Ordnance Corps
52nd Lowland Volunteers
59 Commando
70 Field Company
95 Commando Light Regiment Royal Artillery
100th Regiment Royal Artillery
101 Engineer Regiment EOD&S
125 (Staffordshire) Field Support Squadron Royal Engineers
131 Commando Squadron Royal Engineers
202 Field Squadron Royal Engineers
289 Parachute Battery RHA
289 Commando RA
Aberdeen UOTC
Adjutant Generals Corps
Air Despatch
Airborne Brotherhood
Allied Forces Berlin Veteran
Ammunition Training
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Army Air Corps
Army Boxing Team
Army Cadet Force
Army Catering Corps
Army Football Team
Army Sports
Army Training Regiment Winchester
Ayrshire Yeomanry
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Berlin Infantry Brigade
Birmingham UOTC
Black Watch
Blandford Garrison
Blues and Royals
British Army Innovation Team
British Army of the Rhine
British Army Training Unit Suffield
Burma Star Association
Cameronians Scottish Rifles
Cheshire Regiment
Close Protection Unit Royal Military Police
Coldstream Guards
Combined Cadet Force
Combined Services Boxing Squad
Combined Services Hockey Squad
Commando Divers
Corps of Army Music
Defence Sikh Network
Devon and Dorset Regiment
Dhofar Veteran
Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment
Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Duke of Wellington's Regiment
Durham Light Infantry
East Lancashire Regiment
Educational and Training Services
Exeter University Officer Training Corps
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Felix
Far East Land Forces
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry/Scottish Horse
Force Troops Command
Glasgow and Strathclyde UOTC
Gloucestershire Regiment
Gordon Highlanders
Green Howards
Green Howards Alpha Company
Grenadier Guards
Gurkha Military Police
Headquarters of HQ Home Command
Highland Light Infantry
Honourable Artillery Company
Household Cavalry
Household Division
HQ London District
Imjin Company
Intelligence Corps
Irish Guards
ITC Catterick - Infantry
ITC Catterick - School of Infantry
Javelin Platoon
Joint Helicopter Support Squadron
The King's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard
King's Own Royal Border Regiment
Kings Own Scottish Borderers
Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
King's Regiment
King's Royal Hussars
King's Shropshire Light Infantry
Lancashire Fusiliers
Leeds University Officers Training Corps
Leeds UOTC York Universities DET
Life Guards Cap Badge
Life Guards Cypher
Light Dragoons
Light Infantry
London Irish Rifles
London Regiment
Lothians and Border Horse
Manchester Regiment
Mercian Regiment
Middlesex Regiment
Military Provost Guard Service
North Irish Horse
North Staffs Veterans
OP Backwell Somalia
Parachute Regiment
Parachute Regiment - 1 PARA
Parachute Regiment - 2 PARA
Parachute Regiment - 3 PARA
Parachute Regiment - 4 PARA
Paras - 6 (Guards) Platoon
Petroleum Operator
Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment
Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Queen's Gurkha Engineers
Queen's Gurkha Signals
Queen's Lancashire Regiment
Queen's Own Hussars
Queen's Own Mercian Yeomanry
Queen's Own Yeomanry
Queen's Regiment
Queen's Royal Hussars
Queen's Royal Irish Hussars
Queen's Royal Lancers
Queen's Royal Regiment
Queen's Own Highlanders
Queen's University Officer Training Corps
Ranger Regiment
Regional Command
The Rifles
Royal Anglian
Royal Anglian Pompadour
Royal Anglian 2nd Battalion 'The Poachers'
Royal Armoured Corps
Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Royal Army Dental Corps
Royal Army Medical Corps
Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Royal Army Pay Corps
Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Royal Army Service Corps
Royal Army Veterinary Corps
Royal Artillery
Royal Corps of Signals
Royal Corps of Transport
Royal Signals - Bravo Troop
Royal Signals White Helmets
Royal Dragoon Guards
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Royal Engineers
Royal Engineers Association Swimming and Water Polo
Royal Engineers Diver
Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment
Royal Green Jackets
Royal Gurkha Rifles
Royal Hampshire Regiment
Royal Highland Fusiliers
Royal Hussars
Royal Horse Artillery
Royal Horse Guards
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Royal Irish Rangers
Royal Irish Regiment
Royal Lancers
Royal Leicestershire Regiment - Tiger
Royal Leicestershire Regiment - Wreath
Royal Logistic Corps
Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Royal Military Police
Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers
Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
Royal Pioneer Corps
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
Royal Regiment of Scotland
Royal Regiment of Wales
Royal Scots
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Royal Scots Greys
Royal Tank Regiment
Royal Ulster Constabulary
Royal Ulster Rifles
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Royal Welch Fusiliers
Royal Welsh
Royal Wessex Yeomanry
Royal Yeomanry
Scots Guards
Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry
Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
Signals Club Troodos
Small Arms School Corps
South Lancashire Regiment
South Nottinghamshire Hussars
South Wales Borderers
Staffordshire Regiment
Suffolk Regiment
Swift and Secure
Tayforth UOTC
Ulster Defence Regiment
University of London OTC (UOTC)
University of Sheffield UOTC
Wales Universities Officers' Training Corps
Warwickshire Yeomanry
Welsh Guards
Wessex Brigade
Westminster Dragoons
West Yorkshire Regiment
Women's Royal Army Corps
Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment
Yorkshire Regiment
Royal Navy
Royal Navy
Veteran - Royal Navy Flag
Royal Navy ships
HMS Abercrombie
HMS Abdiel
HMS Active
HMS Achilles
HMS Adamant
HMS Agamemnon
HMS Agincourt
HMS Aisne
HMS Ajax
HMS Alacrity
HMS Albion
HMS Amazon
HMS Ambuscade
HMS Ambush
HMS Andromeda
HMS Anson
HMS Antelope
HMS Antrim
HMS Apollo
HMS Ardent
HMS Arethusa
HMS Argonaut
HMS Argyll
HMS Arrow
HMS Artful
HMS Ark Royal
HMS Ariadne
HMS Ashanti
HMS Astute
HMS Atherstone
HMS Audacious
HMS Aurochs
HMS Aurora
HMS Avenger
HMS Bacchante
HMS Battleaxe
HMS Beachampton
HMS Belfast
HMS Berwick
HMS Beaver
HMS Birmingham
HMS Blake
HMS Boxer
HMS Brave
HMS Brazen
HMS Brighton
HMS Brilliant
HMS Broadsword
HMS Brocklesby
HMS Bulldog
HMS Bulwark
HMS Calliope
HMS Caledonia
HMS Cambrian
HMS Cambridge
HMS Caprice
HMS Campbeltown
HMS Cardiff
HMS Carysfort
HMS Cavalier
HMS Ceres
HMS Centaur
HMS Centurion
HMS Charybdis
HMS Chatham
HMS Chichester
HMS Churchill
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Cockatrice
HMS Collingwood
HMS Comet
HMS Condor
HMS Conqueror
HMS Cornwall
HMS Constance
HMS Courageous
HMS Coventry
HMS Cumberland
HMS Cygnet
HMS Danae
HMS Daring
HMS Dauntless
HMS Defender
HMS Devonshire
HMS Diamond
HMS Diana
HMS Dido
HMS Diomede
HMS Dolphin
HMS Dragon
HMS Drake
HMS Dreadnought
HMS Dulverton
HMS Duncan
HMS Dundas
HMS Eagle
HMS Eastbourne
HMS Echo
HMS Edinburgh
HMS Endurance
HMS Eskimo
HMS Euryalus
HMS Excellent
HMS Exeter
HMS Exmouth
HMS Express
HMS Fearless
HMS Fife
HMS Fisgard
HMS Galatea
HMS Ganges
HMS Gannet
HMS Glamorgan
HMS Glasgow
HMS Gloucester
HMS Grafton
HMS Grenville
HMS Gurkha
HMS Hampshire
HMS Hecate
HMS Hecla
HMS Hermes
HMS Hermione
HMS Heron
HMS Hibernia
HMS Hurworth
HMS Illustrious
HMS Implacable
HMS Indefatigable
HMS Intrepid
HMS Invincible
HMS Iron Duke
HMS Jaguar
HMS Juno
HMS Jupiter
HMS Kent
HMS Lancaster
HMS Leander
HMS Leopard
HMS Lindisfarne
HMS Lincoln
HMS Lion
HMS Liverpool
HMS Llandaff
HMS London
HMS Londonderry
HMS Lowestoft
HMS Lynx
HMS Magpie
HMS Maidstone
HMS Manchester
HMS Marlborough
HMS Medway
HMS Mercury
HMS Mermaid
HMS Mersey
HMS Middleton
HMS Minerva
HMS Mohawk
HMS Monmouth
HMS Montrose
HMS Naiad
HMS Narvik
HMS Nelson
HMS Neptune
HMS Newcastle
HMS Nigeria
HMS Norfolk
HMS Northumberland
HMS Nottingham
HMS Nubian
HMS Ocean
HMS Opossum
HMS Orkney
HMS Osprey
HMS Otter
HMS Pathfinder
HMS Pegasus
HMS Pembroke
HMS Penelope
HMS Penzance
HMS Peterel
HMS Phoebe
HMS Plymouth
HMS Porpoise
HMS Portland
HMS President
HMS Prince of Wales
HMS Puma
HMS Pursuer
HMS Queen Elizabeth
HMS Raleigh
HMS Reclaim
HMS Relentless
HMS Repulse
HMS Renown
HMS Resolution
HMS Revenge
HMS Rhyl
HMS Richmond
HMS Rothesay
HMS Salisbury
HMS Sceptre
HMS Scott
HMS Scylla
HMS Seahawk (RNAS Culdrose)
HMS Sheffield
HMS Simbang
HMS Sirius
HMS Soberton
HMS Somerset
HMS Southampton
HMS Sovereign
HMS Spartan
HMS Spey
HMS Splendid
HMS Striker
HMS St Albans
HMS St Vincent
HMS Sultan
HMS Superb
HMS Sutherland
HMS Swiftsure
HMS Talent
HMS Tamar
HMS Tartar
HMS Tenby
HMS Tenacious
HMS Tiger
HMS Tireless
HMS Torbay
HMS Torquay
HMS Trenchant
HMS Trent
HMS Triumph
HMS Turbulent
HMS Unicorn
HMS Upholder
HMS Valiant
HMS Vanguard
HMS Vengeance
HMS Venturer
HMS Venus
HMS Victorious
HMS Vidal
HMS Vindex
HMS Vigilant
HMS Vivid
HMS Volage
HMS Vulcan
HMS Warspite
HMS Westminster
HMS Whitby
HMS Yarmouth
HMS York
HMS Zest
HMS Zulu
801 Naval Air Squadron
815 Naval Air Squadron
892 Naval Air Squadron
893 Naval Air Squadron
898 Naval Air Squadron
Belfast URNU
Blackburn Buccaneer
Birmingham URNU
Bristol University Royal Naval Unit
BRNC Dartmouth
Devon URNU
FIOC UK (Fleet Information Operations Center)
Fleet Air Arm
Fleet Air Arm Veteran
HMY Britannia
Information Operations
Merchant Navy
Oxford Universities Royal Naval Unit (URNU)
Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service
RFA Argus
RFA Diligence
RFA Fort George
RFA Fort Grange
RFA Fort Rosalie
RFA Fort Victoria
RFA Lyme Bay
RFA Lyness
RFA Mounts Bay
RFA Tideforce
RFA Tidespring
RFA Tidesurge
RFA Wave Knight
Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service
Royal Navy Chaplaincy Service
Royal Navy Fire and Rescue
Royal Navy Leadership Academy
Royal Navy Medical Service
Royal Navy Police
Royal Navy PTI
Royal Navy Submariner
Royal Navy Veteran Submariner
Royal Navy Surface Fleet
Ton Class
UK Maritime Component Command
Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS)
Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force Veteran
Royal Air Force Eagle
Display Teams
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Red Arrows
RAF Squadrons
2(T) Squadron 226 OCU
33 Squadron Association
205 Squadron Royal Air Force
612 Squadron RAuxAF
Manchester and Salford Universities Air Squadron
No. 1 Expeditionary Logistics Squadron RAF
No. 1 Flying Training School RAF
No. 1 Radio School RAF
No. 1 Squadron RAF
No. 2 Mechanical Transport Squadron RAF
No. 2 Squadron RAF
No. 3 Squadron RAF Regiment
No. 4 Squadron RAF
No. 8 Squadron RAF
No. 9 Squadron RAF
No. 10 Squadron RAF
No. 12 Squadron RAF
No. 14 Squadron RAF
No. 16 Squadron RAF
No. 26 Signals Unit RAF
No. 32 Squadron RAF
No. 33 Squadron RAF
No. 39 Squadron RAF
No. 48 Squadron RAF
No. 49 Squadron RAF
No. 51 Squadron RAF
No. 54 Squadron RAF
No. 56 Squadron RAF
No. 57 Squadron RAF
No. 61 Squadron RAF
No. 63 Squadron RAF
No. 72 Squadron RAF
No. 100 Group RAF
No. 100 Squadron RAF
No. 106 Squadron RAF
No. 253 Squadron RAF
No. 502 (Ulster) Squadron RAF
No. 504 Squadron RAF
No. 600 Squadron RAF
No. 602 (City of Glasgow) Squadron RAF
RAF 617 Squadron (Dambusters)
No. 607 (County of Durham) Squadron
No. 609 Squadron RAF
No. 611 Squadron RAF
No. 7010 Squadron RAF
RAF Stations
JHC FS Aldergrove
RAF Abingdon
RAF Akrotiri
RAF Boulmer
RAF Brize Norton
RAF Leeming
RAF Odiham
RAF Scampton
RAF Station Gibraltar
RAF Valley
RAF Wattisham
591 Signals Unit
Air Training Corps
Combined Services Boxing Squad
Combined Services Hockey Squad
D Squadron Department of Initial Officer Training
English Electric Lightning
Far East Air Force - Royal Air Force
Hawker Hunter
Joint Helicopter Command
Marine Craft Branch RAF
Mobile Meteorological Unit
RAF & Defence Fire Service Association
RAF Airborne Delivery Wing
RAF Airmans
RAF Air Cadets
RAF Air Intelligence Wing
RAF Air Sea Rescue
RAF Medical Corps
RAF Police
RAF Regiment
RAF Regiment 51 Squadron
RAF School of Physical Training
RAF Strike Command
RAF Tactical Supply Wing
RAF Turnhouse
RAFP 814 Towerborne
Royal Air Forces Association
Royal Air Force Germany
Royal Air Force Physical Education
Royal Observer Corps
Strike Attack Operational Evaluation Unit
UGSAS - Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde Air Squadron
V Squadron
Wildcats 8 Squadron
Womens Royal Air Force
Royal Marines
Royal Marines
Royal Marines Band Service
3 Commando Brigade Air Squadron
40 Commando
41 Commando
42 Commando
43 Commando
45 Commando
RMR London
Royal Marines Medical
Aberdeen UOTC
Birmingham UOTC
Exeter UOTC
Glasgow and Strathclyde UOTC
Leeds UOTC
London UOTC
Sheffield UOTC
Queen's UOTC
Wales UOTC
URNU Belfast
URNU Birmingham
URNU Bristol
URNU Devon
URNU East Midlands
URNU East Scotland
URNU Oxford
Dartmouth BRNC
Drummond Division BRNC
Jolly Division BRNC
Emergency Services
Royal Navy Leadership Academy
Royal Ulster Constabulary
South Yorkshire Police Rifle & Pistol Club
Territorial Support Group
1 Squadron Strikemasters - Masirah Oman
1st Commonwealth Division
6 Sqn Hawks Masirah Oman
6 Sqn Hunters Thumrait Oman
8 Sqn Jaguars Thumrait Oman
20 Squadron Jaguars - Masirah Oman
Allied Command Europe
Australian Defence Force
Border Protection Squadron
Canadian Forces
No. 77 Squadron RAAF
Royal New Zealand Navy Band
Thumrait Thuggies
United Nations
United States Military
Army Cadet Force
Read CCF
RAF Air Cadets
Sea Cadets
Medway Victory Sea Cadet Unit - TS Temeraire
Armed Forces T-Shirt Day
Op Longslog
Army v Navy
Army - New Logo
Army Veteran
1 Signal Regiment
1st Armoured Division
1st Commonwealth Division
1st Queen's Dragoon Guards
2nd Regiment Royal Artillery
3rd (United Kingdom) Division
3rd Carabiniers
4th Armoured Brigade
4 Field Squadron Royal Engineers
4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards
5 Regiment Army Air Corps
5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards
6th (United Kingdom) Division
6 Field Force
7 Commando RA
7 Para Artillery Wings
7 Para Royal Horse Artillery
7 (Sphinx) Commando Battery Royal Artillery
7th Armoured Division
8 Training Battalion REME
8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars
9th/12th Royal Lancers
9th/12th Royal Lancers A Squadron Berlin
10 Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment
10 Regiment Royal Corps of Transport
10th Royal Hussars
11 EOD Regt Royal Logistic Corps
11th Hussars
11th Infantry Brigade & HQ SE
12th Armoured Infantry Brigade
12 Ordnance Company
12th Royal Lancers
13th/18th Royal Hussars
14 Signal Regiment
15th Scottish Infantry Division
15th/19th Kings Royal Hussars
16 Air Assault Brigade
16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers
C Sqn 16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancers
17 Corunna Battery Royal Artillery
17 Sqd RCT Reunion
17th/21st Queens Royal Lancers
19th Light Brigade
20 Commando Battery Royal Artillery
24th Infantry Brigade
26 Armoured Engineer Squadron
28 Amphibious Engineer Regiment
29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery
29 Field Squadron
32nd Regiment Royal Artillery
32 Regiment Royal Engineers
33 Engineers Bomb Disposal
39th Regiment Royal Artillery
40th Regiment Royal Artillery - The Lowland Gunners
49 Bomb Disposal
49 (Inkerman) Battery Royal Artillery
51 Battery Royal Artillery
51st Highland Division
51 Ordnance Company - Royal Army Ordnance Corps
52nd Lowland Volunteers
59 Commando
70 Field Company
95 Commando Light Regiment Royal Artillery
100th Regiment Royal Artillery
101 Engineer Regiment EOD&S
125 (Staffordshire) Field Support Squadron Royal Engineers
131 Commando Squadron Royal Engineers
202 Field Squadron Royal Engineers
289 Parachute Battery RHA
289 Commando RA
Aberdeen UOTC
Adjutant Generals Corps
Air Despatch
Airborne Brotherhood
Allied Forces Berlin Veteran
Ammunition Training
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Army Air Corps
Army Boxing Team
Army Cadet Force
Army Catering Corps
Army Football Team
Army Sports
Army Training Regiment Winchester
Ayrshire Yeomanry
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Berlin Infantry Brigade
Birmingham UOTC
Black Watch
Blandford Garrison
Blues and Royals
British Army Innovation Team
British Army of the Rhine
British Army Training Unit Suffield
Burma Star Association
Cameronians Scottish Rifles
Cheshire Regiment
Close Protection Unit Royal Military Police
Coldstream Guards
Combined Cadet Force
Combined Services Boxing Squad
Combined Services Hockey Squad
Commando Divers
Corps of Army Music
Defence Sikh Network
Devon and Dorset Regiment
Dhofar Veteran
Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment
Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Duke of Wellington's Regiment
Durham Light Infantry
East Lancashire Regiment
Educational and Training Services
Exeter University Officer Training Corps
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Felix
Far East Land Forces
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry/Scottish Horse
Force Troops Command
Glasgow and Strathclyde UOTC
Gloucestershire Regiment
Gordon Highlanders
Green Howards
Green Howards Alpha Company
Grenadier Guards
Gurkha Military Police
Headquarters of HQ Home Command
Highland Light Infantry
Honourable Artillery Company
Household Cavalry
Household Division
HQ London District
Imjin Company
Intelligence Corps
Irish Guards
ITC Catterick - Infantry
ITC Catterick - School of Infantry
Javelin Platoon
Joint Helicopter Support Squadron
The King's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard
King's Own Royal Border Regiment
Kings Own Scottish Borderers
Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
King's Regiment
King's Royal Hussars
King's Shropshire Light Infantry
Lancashire Fusiliers
Leeds University Officers Training Corps
Leeds UOTC York Universities DET
Life Guards Cap Badge
Life Guards Cypher
Light Dragoons
Light Infantry
London Irish Rifles
London Regiment
Lothians and Border Horse
Manchester Regiment
Mercian Regiment
Middlesex Regiment
Military Provost Guard Service
North Irish Horse
North Staffs Veterans
OP Backwell Somalia
Parachute Regiment
Parachute Regiment - 1 PARA
Parachute Regiment - 2 PARA
Parachute Regiment - 3 PARA
Parachute Regiment - 4 PARA
Paras - 6 (Guards) Platoon
Petroleum Operator
Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment
Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Queen's Gurkha Engineers
Queen's Gurkha Signals
Queen's Lancashire Regiment
Queen's Own Hussars
Queen's Own Mercian Yeomanry
Queen's Own Yeomanry
Queen's Regiment
Queen's Royal Hussars
Queen's Royal Irish Hussars
Queen's Royal Lancers
Queen's Royal Regiment
Queen's Own Highlanders
Queen's University Officer Training Corps
Ranger Regiment
Regional Command
The Rifles
Royal Anglian
Royal Anglian Pompadour
Royal Anglian 2nd Battalion 'The Poachers'
Royal Armoured Corps
Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Royal Army Dental Corps
Royal Army Medical Corps
Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Royal Army Pay Corps
Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Royal Army Service Corps
Royal Army Veterinary Corps
Royal Artillery
Royal Corps of Signals
Royal Corps of Transport
Royal Signals - Bravo Troop
Royal Signals White Helmets
Royal Dragoon Guards
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Royal Engineers
Royal Engineers Association Swimming and Water Polo
Royal Engineers Diver
Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment
Royal Green Jackets
Royal Gurkha Rifles
Royal Hampshire Regiment
Royal Highland Fusiliers
Royal Hussars
Royal Horse Artillery
Royal Horse Guards
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Royal Irish Rangers
Royal Irish Regiment
Royal Lancers
Royal Leicestershire Regiment - Tiger
Royal Leicestershire Regiment - Wreath
Royal Logistic Corps
Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Royal Military Police
Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers
Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
Royal Pioneer Corps
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
Royal Regiment of Scotland
Royal Regiment of Wales
Royal Scots
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Royal Scots Greys
Royal Tank Regiment
Royal Ulster Constabulary
Royal Ulster Rifles
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Royal Welch Fusiliers
Royal Welsh
Royal Wessex Yeomanry
Royal Yeomanry
Scots Guards
Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry
Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry
Signals Club Troodos
Small Arms School Corps
South Lancashire Regiment
South Nottinghamshire Hussars
South Wales Borderers
Staffordshire Regiment
Suffolk Regiment
Swift and Secure
Tayforth UOTC
Ulster Defence Regiment
University of London OTC (UOTC)
University of Sheffield UOTC
Wales Universities Officers' Training Corps
Warwickshire Yeomanry
Welsh Guards
Wessex Brigade
Westminster Dragoons
West Yorkshire Regiment
Women's Royal Army Corps
Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment
Yorkshire Regiment
Royal Navy
Royal Navy
Royal Navy
Veteran - Royal Navy Flag
Royal Navy ships
Royal Navy ships
HMS Abercrombie
HMS Abdiel
HMS Active
HMS Achilles
HMS Adamant
HMS Agamemnon
HMS Agincourt
HMS Aisne
HMS Ajax
HMS Alacrity
HMS Albion
HMS Amazon
HMS Ambuscade
HMS Ambush
HMS Andromeda
HMS Anson
HMS Antelope
HMS Antrim
HMS Apollo
HMS Ardent
HMS Arethusa
HMS Argonaut
HMS Argyll
HMS Arrow
HMS Artful
HMS Ark Royal
HMS Ariadne
HMS Ashanti
HMS Astute
HMS Atherstone
HMS Audacious
HMS Aurochs
HMS Aurora
HMS Avenger
HMS Bacchante
HMS Battleaxe
HMS Beachampton
HMS Belfast
HMS Berwick
HMS Beaver
HMS Birmingham
HMS Blake
HMS Boxer
HMS Brave
HMS Brazen
HMS Brighton
HMS Brilliant
HMS Broadsword
HMS Brocklesby
HMS Bulldog
HMS Bulwark
HMS Calliope
HMS Caledonia
HMS Cambrian
HMS Cambridge
HMS Caprice
HMS Campbeltown
HMS Cardiff
HMS Carysfort
HMS Cavalier
HMS Ceres
HMS Centaur
HMS Centurion
HMS Charybdis
HMS Chatham
HMS Chichester
HMS Churchill
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Cockatrice
HMS Collingwood
HMS Comet
HMS Condor
HMS Conqueror
HMS Cornwall
HMS Constance
HMS Courageous
HMS Coventry
HMS Cumberland
HMS Cygnet
HMS Danae
HMS Daring
HMS Dauntless
HMS Defender
HMS Devonshire
HMS Diamond
HMS Diana
HMS Dido
HMS Diomede
HMS Dolphin
HMS Dragon
HMS Drake
HMS Dreadnought
HMS Dulverton
HMS Duncan
HMS Dundas
HMS Eagle
HMS Eastbourne
HMS Echo
HMS Edinburgh
HMS Endurance
HMS Eskimo
HMS Euryalus
HMS Excellent
HMS Exeter
HMS Exmouth
HMS Express
HMS Fearless
HMS Fife
HMS Fisgard
HMS Galatea
HMS Ganges
HMS Gannet
HMS Glamorgan
HMS Glasgow
HMS Gloucester
HMS Grafton
HMS Grenville
HMS Gurkha
HMS Hampshire
HMS Hecate
HMS Hecla
HMS Hermes
HMS Hermione
HMS Heron
HMS Hibernia
HMS Hurworth
HMS Illustrious
HMS Implacable
HMS Indefatigable
HMS Intrepid
HMS Invincible
HMS Iron Duke
HMS Jaguar
HMS Juno
HMS Jupiter
HMS Kent
HMS Lancaster
HMS Leander
HMS Leopard
HMS Lindisfarne
HMS Lincoln
HMS Lion
HMS Liverpool
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HMS Zulu
801 Naval Air Squadron
815 Naval Air Squadron
892 Naval Air Squadron
893 Naval Air Squadron
898 Naval Air Squadron
Belfast URNU
Blackburn Buccaneer
Birmingham URNU
Bristol University Royal Naval Unit
BRNC Dartmouth
Devon URNU
FIOC UK (Fleet Information Operations Center)
Fleet Air Arm
Fleet Air Arm Veteran
HMY Britannia
Information Operations
Merchant Navy
Oxford Universities Royal Naval Unit (URNU)
Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service
RFA Argus
RFA Diligence
RFA Fort George
RFA Fort Grange
RFA Fort Rosalie
RFA Fort Victoria
RFA Lyme Bay
RFA Lyness
RFA Mounts Bay
RFA Tideforce
RFA Tidespring
RFA Tidesurge
RFA Wave Knight
Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service
Royal Navy Chaplaincy Service
Royal Navy Fire and Rescue
Royal Navy Leadership Academy
Royal Navy Medical Service
Royal Navy Police
Royal Navy PTI
Royal Navy Submariner
Royal Navy Veteran Submariner
Royal Navy Surface Fleet
Ton Class
UK Maritime Component Command
Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS)
Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force Veteran
Royal Air Force Eagle
Display Teams
Display Teams
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Red Arrows
RAF Squadrons
RAF Squadrons
2(T) Squadron 226 OCU
33 Squadron Association
205 Squadron Royal Air Force
612 Squadron RAuxAF
Manchester and Salford Universities Air Squadron
No. 1 Expeditionary Logistics Squadron RAF
No. 1 Flying Training School RAF
No. 1 Radio School RAF
No. 1 Squadron RAF
No. 2 Mechanical Transport Squadron RAF
No. 2 Squadron RAF
No. 3 Squadron RAF Regiment
No. 4 Squadron RAF
No. 8 Squadron RAF
No. 9 Squadron RAF
No. 10 Squadron RAF
No. 12 Squadron RAF
No. 14 Squadron RAF
No. 16 Squadron RAF
No. 26 Signals Unit RAF
No. 32 Squadron RAF
No. 33 Squadron RAF
No. 39 Squadron RAF
No. 48 Squadron RAF
No. 49 Squadron RAF
No. 51 Squadron RAF
No. 54 Squadron RAF
No. 56 Squadron RAF
No. 57 Squadron RAF
No. 61 Squadron RAF
No. 63 Squadron RAF
No. 72 Squadron RAF
No. 100 Group RAF
No. 100 Squadron RAF
No. 106 Squadron RAF
No. 253 Squadron RAF
No. 502 (Ulster) Squadron RAF
No. 504 Squadron RAF
No. 600 Squadron RAF
No. 602 (City of Glasgow) Squadron RAF
RAF 617 Squadron (Dambusters)
No. 607 (County of Durham) Squadron
No. 609 Squadron RAF
No. 611 Squadron RAF
No. 7010 Squadron RAF
RAF Stations
RAF Stations
JHC FS Aldergrove
RAF Abingdon
RAF Akrotiri
RAF Boulmer
RAF Brize Norton
RAF Leeming
RAF Odiham
RAF Scampton
RAF Station Gibraltar
RAF Valley
RAF Wattisham
591 Signals Unit
Air Training Corps
Combined Services Boxing Squad
Combined Services Hockey Squad
D Squadron Department of Initial Officer Training
English Electric Lightning
Far East Air Force - Royal Air Force
Hawker Hunter
Joint Helicopter Command
Marine Craft Branch RAF
Mobile Meteorological Unit
RAF & Defence Fire Service Association
RAF Airborne Delivery Wing
RAF Airmans
RAF Air Cadets
RAF Air Intelligence Wing
RAF Air Sea Rescue
RAF Medical Corps
RAF Police
RAF Regiment
RAF Regiment 51 Squadron
RAF School of Physical Training
RAF Strike Command
RAF Tactical Supply Wing
RAF Turnhouse
RAFP 814 Towerborne
Royal Air Forces Association
Royal Air Force Germany
Royal Air Force Physical Education
Royal Observer Corps
Strike Attack Operational Evaluation Unit
UGSAS - Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde Air Squadron
V Squadron
Wildcats 8 Squadron
Womens Royal Air Force
Royal Marines
Royal Marines
Royal Marines
Royal Marines Band Service
3 Commando Brigade Air Squadron
40 Commando
41 Commando
42 Commando
43 Commando
45 Commando
RMR London
Royal Marines Medical
Aberdeen UOTC
Birmingham UOTC
Exeter UOTC
Glasgow and Strathclyde UOTC
Leeds UOTC
London UOTC
Sheffield UOTC
Queen's UOTC
Wales UOTC
URNU Belfast
URNU Birmingham
URNU Bristol
URNU Devon
URNU East Midlands
URNU East Scotland
URNU Oxford
Dartmouth BRNC
Drummond Division BRNC
Jolly Division BRNC
Emergency Services
Emergency Services
Royal Navy Leadership Academy
Royal Ulster Constabulary
South Yorkshire Police Rifle & Pistol Club
Territorial Support Group
1 Squadron Strikemasters - Masirah Oman
1st Commonwealth Division
6 Sqn Hawks Masirah Oman
6 Sqn Hunters Thumrait Oman
8 Sqn Jaguars Thumrait Oman
20 Squadron Jaguars - Masirah Oman
Allied Command Europe
Australian Defence Force
Border Protection Squadron
Canadian Forces
No. 77 Squadron RAAF
Royal New Zealand Navy Band
Thumrait Thuggies
United Nations
United States Military
Army Cadet Force
Army Cadet Force
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